Universal Health Coverage Day 2021

Universal Health Coverage Day 2021

Universal health coverage Day 2021 - Leave No One’s Health Behind: Invest in health systems for all

Each year on 12 December Universal Health Coverage Day presents an opportunity for the United Nations, WHO and partners across the globe to urge countries to accelerate progress toward universal health coverage and raise awareness of the importance of building strong and resilient health systems that can provide affordable and quality health care for everyone, everywhere.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the critical need for preparedness in the face of health emergencies and highlighted huge disparities in countries’ abilities to cope with and recover from the crisis.

As we enter the third year of the pandemic, countries must strengthen health systems to ensure they are equitable, resilient and capable of meeting everyone’s health needs, and to maintain progress towards universal health coverage – a basic human right – and fundamental to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

To end the crisis and build a safer, healthier future, now is the time to act for health systems that protect everyone.

There is an urgent need for greater investment in the foundations of health systems grounded in primary health care to ensure that “no one is left behind”. Health leaders must be accountable for achieving the promise of health for all as part of COVID-19 response and recovery strategies. 


Expo 2020 has dedicated a full day to celebrate key milestones in the journey towards universal health coverage, an essential priority for international development.

Universal Health Coverage Day at Expo Dubai
12 December, 9:30-17:40, UTC/GMT +4 hours
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Global Monitoring Report on Universal Health Coverage 2021 and Financial Protection Report 2021
13 December, 15:00-16:30 CET

Release of Global Expenditure Report 2021
15 December, 14:00-15:30 CET

The Global Survey on HTA and Health Benefit Packages: Interactive Database and Findings
16 December 2021, 14:00-15:00 CET

Walk the talk

There will be a photo-op with all participants at the start line of the walk. Afterwards, 300 frontline workers wearing white coats or Walk the Talk t-shirts, alongside delegates from different pavilions holding their countries’ flags, will walk on a designated path of 3.5 km around Expo to advocate for increased physical activity. The walk will take between 45 and 60 minutes. Participants will be offered snacks and water as they arrive at the Sports, Fitness and Wellbeing hub.

» Walk the Talk at Expo 2020

» How to join the Walk the Talk challenge


Related links

Universal Health Coverage Day - Expo 2020 (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)

Universal Health Coverage Day 2021 gobal campaign

Highlights of the UHC Day 2021 campaign coverage


The number of total UHC Day mentions (tagging @UHC_Day and/or using #UHCDay and #HealthForAll) on social media, from 11/29-12/14


The number of countries with visitors to the uhcday.org site


The number of international articles and blogs focused on UHC thus far, including national UHC policies and programs, COVID-19, Walk the Talk and the global monitoring reports


UHC Day Champion videos and quote graphics submitted and shared on social media


The number of participants in this year’s Walk the Talk challenge

13.7 million

The number of total steps counted during the 4th annual Walk the Talk – far surpassing our goal of 5 million!

134 million

adverse events occur in hospitals in low- and middle-income countries

2.6 million

patient deaths every year

in every10

patients is harmed while receiving hospital care in high-income countries

600 million

trees chopped down to make cigarettes

84 million

tonnes of CO2 emissions released into the air raising global temperatures

22 million

litres of water used to make cigarettes