Health system

WHO aims to ensure and promote well-being for all at all ages by using cross-cutting strategies for corporate function, data, and innovation to advance universal health coverage (UHC) as one of the 3 interconnected priority areas and goals under WHO’s strategy for a 5-year period 2019-2023 – WHO’s Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW 13).

Our mission is to materialize UHC by building resilient health systems to improve the health of the population, reduce financial burden associated with illness, and ensure access to high-quality health services.

Who we are

WHO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Medical education and national health authorities, supports provision of quality health services that are accessible, affordable, and acceptable, and technical support for the establishment of a well-trained health workforce as key for ensuring a resilient health system.

What we do

In close collaboration with the Ministry and other health authorities and partners we work on different building blocks of the health system. The Health System team at the country office in Tehran supports actions for ensuring the highest attainable level of health for all. This means ensuring everybody receives quality health services from primary to tertiary levels of care, without suffering financial hardship. It includes preventative, diagnostic, curative, palliative and rehabilitative services and health promotion activities.

Our mission is to advance UHC by building resilient health systems.

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