Evidence and data for policy


Health information

Reliable and timely health information is essential for proper health management, evidence-based decision-making, optimal use of resources, and monitoring and evaluation of public health situations, actions and outcomes. Robust health information systems that generate reliable and timely data to inform the development of appropriate, effective and cost-effective health policies, which is essential to achieve, and monitor progress, towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and universal health coverage (UHC). Its importance is emphasized repeatedly in WHO’s Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW 13).

The central focus of GPW 13 is impact in countries and the GPW 13 WHO Impact Framework aims to track the joint efforts of WHO, Member States and partners in achieving the GPW’s “triple billion” targets and the measurable impact on people’s health at the country level. The Impact Framework maps SDG targets and indicators to GPW targets and indicators.

To strengthen their health information systems, countries in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region are reporting on a list of regional core indicators. The core indicators focus on three main areas:

  • monitoring health determinants and risks;
  • assessing health status, including morbidity and cause-specific mortality; and
  • assessing health system response.

To strengthen national institutional capacity for the use of evidence in health policy-making in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, the WHO Regional Office has developed a framework for health information systems, which provides practical actions that countries can take to build national institutional capacity and outlines the support that WHO can provide to facilitate this process.

WHO supports countries of the Region in strengthening national health information systems. This includes conducting comprehensive health information system assessments, developing national health information system strategies, improving national capacity in death certification and analysis, promoting International Classification of Disease (ICD) coding and (where appropriate) use of DHIS-2 platforms to enhance the reporting of routine data.

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health and well-being profile

This health and well-being profile for the Eastern Mediterranean Region presents a comprehensive assessment of the health situation at the regional and country levels, using available data up to October 2019. It is guided by the strategic priorities and goals of WHO’s Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW 13): achieving universal health coverage; addressing health emergencies; and promoting healthier populations across the life course. Detailed country profiles for each of the 22 countries present the latest available data for a range of health indicators and the health-related SDGs, and highlight country efforts in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The health and well-being profile reviews progress made in the Region towards achieving the ambitious goals of Vision 2023 and GPW 13 and provides an opportunity to assess the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

Health and well-being profile of the Eastern Mediterranean Region