
Haemophilus influenzae type b 

Global literature reveiw of Haemophilus influenzae type b and Streptococcus pneumoniae invasive disease among children less than five years of age 1980–2005, 2 April 2009 [pdf 3.52Mb]


 The global prevalence of hepatitis A virus infection and susceptibility: a systematic review, 3 February 2010 [pdf 4.37Mb]

The global prevalence of hepatitis E virus and susceptibility: A systematic review, 28 December 2010 [pdf 3.16Mb]

 Documenting the impact of hepatitis B immunization: best practices for conducting a serosurvey, 16 January 2012 [pdf 1.97Mb]

Human papillomavirus

 Human papillomavirus laboratory manual. First edition, 2009, 8 December 2010 [pdf 2.65Mb]

Global literature review of Haemophilus influenza type b and Streptococcus pneumonia invasive disease among children less than five years of age 1980–2005, 2 April 2009 [pdf 3.52Mb]

 Human papillomavirus and HPV vaccines: technical information for policy-makers and health professionals, 8 June 2007 [pdf 1.09Mb]


 Response to measles outbreaks in measles mortality reduction settings, 13 July 2009 [pdf 2.12Mb] 

WHO/UNICEF joint statement - global plan for reducing measles mortality 2006–2010, 18 May 2006 [pdf 369kb]

Neonatal tetanus

 Neonatal tetanus elimination field guide, second edition, 2005 [pdf 1.49Mb]

Other publications

 WHO manual for the establishment of national and other secondary standards for vaccines, 16 June 2011 [pdf 3.24Mb]

WHO vaccine-preventable diseases: monitoring system - 2010 global summary, 19 January 2011

 Section 1: Introduction and Reference- regional immunization profiles [pdf 1.56Mb]

Section 2: Reference-country immunization profile

Section 3: Reference-immunization system performances and time series

 Introduction and implementation of new vaccine field guide, 2010 [pdf 1.69Mb]

 Surveillance of bacterial pneumonia and meningitis in children ages under 5 years field guide, 2010 [pdf 2.27Mb]

 Microplanning for immunization service delivery using the Reaching Every District (RED) strategy, 31 August 2010 [pdf 769kb]

 New vaccine post-introduction evaluation tool, 3 August 2010 [pdf 2.10Mb]

 State-of-the-art new vaccine and development, 14 July 2006 [pdf 894b]

 State of the world's vaccines and immunization. Third edition, 21 October 2009 [pdf 1.95Mb]

 WHO vaccine-preventable diseases: monitoring system - 2008 global summary, 13 July 2009 [pdf 4.9Mb]

 Guide for standardization of economic evaluations in the field of vaccine-preventable diseases, 16 March 2009 [pdf 1.34Mb]

 An introduction to the Global Immunization Vision and Strategy, 31 October 2008 [pdf 2.05Mb]

 WHO: working to ensure global quality, safety and standards in immunization, 26 October 2007 [pdf 740kb]

 Vaccine stock management: Guidelines for programme and store managers, 14 May 2007 [pdf  2.63Mb]

 WHO-UNICEF statement on vaccine vial monitors implementation: Marking the 10 years of successful implementation and role of vaccine vial monitors  in reaching every child and mother, 5 March 2007 [pdf  809Kb]

 Study protocol for temperature monitoring in the vaccine cold chain, 22 November 2006 [pdf 1.8kb]

 Guidelines on the international packaging and shipping of vaccines (Revision), 21 August 2006 [pdf 497kb]

 Vaccine introduction guidelines. Adding a vaccine to the national immunization programme. Decision and implementation, 13 February 2006 [pdf 540kb]

 Immunization costing and financing: A tool and user guide for comprehensive Multi-Year Plan (cMYP), 1 January 2006. Pdf  2.67 Mb]

 Vaccine management assessment, 22 August 2005 [pdf 708kb]

 Control of diphtheria, pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type b and Hepatitis B field guide, 2005 [pdf 3.66Mb]