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About RTB
Core functions of the Regional TB Programme (RTB) of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
The core functions of RTB are:
- to provide regional leadership in ending TB through regional and national strategic planning and development, political and multisectoral engagement, strengthening of review and accountability processes, and building partnerships;
- to contribute to the setting of policies and norms for TB prevention, care and control both in the Region and globally;
- to promote and facilitate the implementation of globally set norms and standards on TB prevention and care;
- to provide technical support to countries to ensure proper implementation of the different components of the End TB Strategy;
- to provide specialized technical support to countries jointly with WHO headquarters and country offices to catalyze change and build sustainable capacity, in collaboration with partners;
- to monitor and evaluate implementation of the End TB Strategy; and
- to scale up partnerships at country and regional levels to ensure the effective utilization of scarce resources.
RTB strategic priorities
RTB focuses on the following strategic priorities:
- supporting the national adaptation and implementation of country-context specific national strategic plans, TB programme and epidemiological reviews, and national guidelines for TB diagnosis and treatment;
- promoting evidence-based policies, strategies and standards for TB prevention, care and control, and monitoring their implementation;
- monitoring the regional TB situation and measuring progress in TB prevention, care and control, and financing;
- contributing towards shaping the TB research agenda and promoting the generation, translation and dissemination of valuable knowledge;
- facilitating and engaging in partnerships for action against TB; and
- mobilizing resources and fundraising.