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Fig. 1. Influenza activity in Eastern Mediterranean Region, July 2017
Influenza activity by sub-type
In July 2017, no new cases of influenza A(H5N1) were reported in Egypt.
In the northern Africa influenza transmission zone, during the month of July 2017, Egypt and Morocco reported no influenza activity.
In the western Asia influenza transmission zone, Oman and Qatar reported circulation of all seasonal influenza subtypes. Saudi Arabia reported circulation of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and Influenza B; while Iraq and Jordan reported no influenza activity. In the southern Asia transmission zone, Iran reported circulation of sporadic cases of Influenza B.
Fig. 2 shows the weekly distribution of influenza subtypes.
Fig. 2. Weekly positive cases of influenza by subtype, Epi week 30/2016 - 2017
Circulating influenza viruses by subtype
During July 2017, regional national influenza centres and influenza laboratories tested a total of 1514 specimens for influenza viruses, of which 235 tested positive.
The average percentage of positivity rates is 7%, with highest positivity rate recorded in Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The lowest rates were recorded in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Morocco.
Of the viruses tested, 193 (82%) were influenza A viruses and 42 (18%) were influenza B viruses (Fig. 3). Of the subtyped influenza A viruses, 76 (32%) were influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses and 29 (12%) were influenza A(H3) viruses.
Fig. 3. Circulating influenza viruses in the Region by subtype, Epi week 26-30, 2017
Related link
Influenza monthly update, July 2017