WHO Representative briefs donors and partners on COVID-19 response

27 June 2021 – Dr Palitha Mahipala, WHO Representative in Pakistan, chaired a virtual briefing for development partners and donors at the WHO country office in Islamabad. During the meeting, the WHO Representative briefed partners and donors on the latest situation of COVID-19 at the global, regional and country level.  Dr Palitha, in his detailed presentation, outlined the Government of Pakistan’s strategy for responding to the COVID-19 epidemic in the country. He thanked partners and donors for their valuable support and contributions to the COVID-19 response. He further appealled to partners and donors to continue supporting the Government of Pakistan’s response plans, especially in the areas of COVID-19 vaccine rollout, laboratory testing, case management and risk communication and community engagement.

WHO in Pakistan, steers partner coordination during emergencies and holds periodic briefings to update partners on the latest health situation in the country. The country office, has held weekly partner briefings throughout the COVID-19 pandemic  and shared key information to keep partners, donors, and diplomatic missions abreast of latest developments. Partners have expressed their appreciation of WHO's role in leading the health sector response and for sharing these important updates.