Palestinian Voices 2022 - 2023

Gaza Health Access

Throughout the year, WHO continued to document the impact of barriers to health access on the Palestinian people in Gaza. Below are three of the cases documented from 2022 to 2023:


He is a patient and has the same right as any person who wants to get treatment.

Riham, wife of Khalid

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I don’t know why I am prevented. I have been waiting so long! I need to have this test so the doctor can make a clear diagnosis and give me proper treatment. I suffer and worry every day.

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When I lost my daughter, I felt that there is no life anymore. I am sure my daughter is not the only one killed by this blockade... Why should my little girl have been denied medical treatment?

Fatma’s father

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West Bank Health Access

Throughout the year, WHO continued to document the impact of barriers to health access on the Palestinian people in the West Bank. Below are three of the cases documented from 2022 to 2023:


This is so inhumane. How can this happen in any place in the world? Why are they blocking me from accompanying my son? I just want to hold his hand when he goes for surgery.

Musaab’s father

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These communities face a lot of violations… We should be providing health services at least three times a week, but we cover communities in three districts of the Jordan Valley and there is only so much we can do.

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For two days I couldn’t reach work. I would leave my house on foot wearing my paramedic uniform and go to the checkpoint, but the soldiers wouldn’t let me pass.

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Health Attacks

Throughout the year, WHO continued to document attacks on health care. Below are four of the cases documented from 2022 to 2023:


When I responded that I wanted to see what he was doing, the soldier got out of the vehicle and started pushing me and kicking me, hitting me with the back of his gun and causing me to fall to the ground.

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Around five metres before reaching the guy, I was shot in the right side of my upper body. I went back around two meters and fell to the ground. I told the other paramedics that I had been shot. I felt that my body was being torn apart from the inside.

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When they started shooting towards me, I felt helpless. I had the capacity to help – at least to stop his bleeding until we got him to hospital. I knew there were other injuries as well, but I couldn’t reach them.

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I call on international organizations to give us protection. Doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians and ambulances. We live under occupation, and we are exposed to the violence of occupation every day.

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