Austrian Cooperation through the Austrian Development Agency and WHO sign cooperation agreement to boost emergency services in Gaza

ADAJerusalem, 14 May, 2018 – With a priority focus on improving the primary and emergency health services in Gaza, the Austrian Cooperation, through the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and WHO today signed a cooperation agreement for EUR 300,000, intended to help meet the health care needs in Gaza.

During the signing ceremony at the WHO premises in Jerusalem, Dr. Andrea Nasi, Austrian Representative in Ramallah, highlighted the work of the local WHO office in Palestine in their continuous effort to alleviate the plight of the Palestinian people and prevent the worst.

We consider your work vital and thank you for it. Therefore, our contribution is intended to help you save lives, thus mitigating suffering and bitterness. As such, it is a most concrete and tangible expression of Austria’s consistent commitment to a negotiated two-state solution.”

This contribution comes very timely, as we hear the news about too many killed and severely injured in Gaza today. These funds will indeed help save lives,” said Dr. Gerald Rockenschaub, head of the WHO office in oPt. 

For more information, please contact:

Wolfgang Friedl, Communication Officer, WHO oPt Office
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+972 054717 9014