Participants attending SARA training4 September 2016 – The training of 34 surveyors, from all over Libya, on the use of the Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA) tool in primary health care facilities is taking place at WHO from 3 to 6 September. It will be followed by cascade training of an additional 75 surveyors inside Libya. The assessment will start on 20 September 2016.
SARA is a health facility assessment tool designed to assess and monitor the service availability and readiness of the health sector and to generate evidence to support the planning and managing of the health system. The assessment seeks to identify gaps in health services and to provide information to the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Planning and other partners to facilitate their collaboration in developing and improving the quality of health services.
An assessment of hospitals started on 1 August and so far 60% of hospitals in the country have been surveyed. Libya is the first country in the Region utilizing SARA for the assessment.
This initiative is being carried out under the umbrella of the Health Information Centre of the Ministry of Health. WHO is providing technical and logistical support.
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Service availability and readiness assessment (SARA)