WHO cholera risk assessment mission, informal settlement of Syrian refugees, Bekaa, Lebanon. Photo credit: WHO/O. Maher
WHO, while engaging with health partners in all aspects of the health sector response, will focus its support on filling service gaps (primarily medications), improving service delivery and on building capacity of health system institutions with the longer term perspective of Lebanon achieving universal health coverage.
Key achievements in previous biennium
- 172 000 individuals with chronic diseases received treatment
- More than 2000 national health care workers trained on various health interventions
- 40 primary health care facilities equipped providing basic and emergency mental health care
- Health security improved: contingency plans developed for health emergencies and hazard management teams
- Health promotion activities conducted for youth at 300 public and private schools
- Lebanon mainted polio-free status in the presence of an ongoing polio outbreak in Syria (more than 300 000 children vaccinated)
- Health monitoring: vaccination coverage survey; school-based student health survey; noncommunicable diseases risk behaviour and prevalence survey.