Dr Gabriele Riedner, WHO acting Representative for Lebanon, speaking at the World AIDS Day ceremony
Beirut, December 1, 2014 – This year’s World AIDS Day slogan, "HIV treatment controls the virus. Treat for Life. Prevent for Life", is a call for action so that every individual living with HIV can enjoy the highest attainable level of health through lifelong access to good quality HIV care and treatment.
In 2014 (up to November), 109 new cases of HIV/AIDS were reported to the national AIDS programme, and the cumulative total of HIV/AIDS cases in Lebanon reached 1780. However, UNAIDS estimates the number of people living with HIV in Lebanon to be 3750.
Antiretroviral medications areprovided by the Ministry of Public Health free of charge. Patients who are deemed eligible for treatment, as per WHO guidelines, can obtain a medication card and get their antiretroviral medication from the WHo-suppported national AIDS programme. In Lebanon, there are 70 voluntary counselling and testing centres, where confidential, free, voluntary and anonymous information about HIV/AIDS, HIV testing and referrals to health care and social services are available.
On the occasion of World AIDS Day, WHO reiterated its commitment to continued collaboration with the national AIDS programme, nongovernmental organizations and professional associations to curb the HIV epidemic in Lebanon.