Antimicrobial resistance

Handle with care

Our mission is to enable Jordan to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through strengthened surveillance systems, laboratory capacity, infection prevention and control, awareness-raising and evidence-based policies and practices.

Who we are

Addressing the drivers and the impact of AMR presents significant challenges, for countries and the international community alike. It requires both multisectoral coordination and strong sector-specific responses. WHO supports national efforts to respond to AMR in the health sector, working with national stakeholders as they prioritize, implement and evaluate their interventions. WHO also coordinates the multisectoral One Health response, through coordination of the Quadripartite on AMR (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and WHO).

WHO's response to AMR is based on 4 strategic priority areas that require urgent attention. Each is aligned with the Organization’s core mandate and functions and places public health at its centre. The priority areas are raising awareness, improving surveillance, strengthening infection prevention and control, and monitoring and rationalizing the prescription and use of antimicrobials.

What we do

The Antimicrobial Resistance Team in the WHO country office works with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Environment and other partners through multisectoral coordination under the One health approach to achieve the national strategic objectives based on the global action plan on antimicrobial resistance in 2015 and Jordan national action plan on AMR.

In our work, we support the national multisectoral group with AMR policy briefs, assessment and monitoring tools, adapting and implementing guidance documents and SOPs to help health work force to utilize best practices to collect data on AMR resistance, use and consumption, and integrate rational use of antimicrobials into their daily clinical practices.

Our impact

Reduce the burden of antimicrobial resistance in Jordan through improved awareness, strengthened surveillance, enhanced infection prevention and control and rationalized use of antimicrobials.

What we have achieved

We have supported Jordan to achieve the following:

Multisectoral coordination and governance

  • AMR interventions are integrated into Ministry of Health national strategy 2023–2025
  • Jordan endorsed the Muscat Ministerial Manifesto on AMR

AMR in health and development

  • AMR interventions are integrated into Ministry of Health national strategy 2023–2025
  • Jordan endorsed the Muscat Ministerial Manifesto on AMR


  • A series of awareness raising activities implemented in conjunction with World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, engaging concerned stakeholders, and local communities that ranged from art competitions, Walk the Talk events, and social media event like; Twitter Storm.

Surveillance and laboratory strengthening

  • Jordan AMR surveillance system (JARSS) established since2019 Central Public Health Laboratories designated as the national reference laboratory for AMR.
  • 39 hospitals (36.5% of the tertiary hospitals in Jordan) are enrolled to JARSS.
  • Enrollment of Jordan to the Global AMR Surveillance Systems (GLASS) and reported AMR data since 2018.

Infection prevention and control

  • National IPC guidelines, Part I updated
  • Blood stream infection prevention project piloted in 3 hospitals
  • National policy on prevention of MDROs transmission in health care facilities published
  • Assessment of decontamination/sterilization of medical equipment and development of improvement roadmap

Antimicrobial consumption and stewardship 

  • Jordan collected national AMC data since 2017.
  • Jordan Food and Drug Administration adapted the WHO AWaRe classification of antibiotics
  • National treatment guidelines for syndromic infections
  • 10 clinical pharmacists enrolled to SIDP one-year AMS educational programme

What is next

We will continue our support to the Ministry of Health and other health providers and related stakeholders in Jordan to:

  • Finalize the AMR national action plan
  • Strengthen multisectoral coordination and governance for AMR
  • Improve awareness
  • Strengthen AMR surveillance
  • Improve AMR education and training
  • Improve infection prevention and control practices at hospital and primary health care
  • Support enforcement and monitoring of no-sale of antibiotics without prescription
  • Implement antimicrobial stewardship interventions to rationalize use of antimicrobials