Sixty Sixth World Health Assembly: IHR implementation

The IHR agenda item took place on Friday 24 May 2013. Delegates concurred that the ongoing novel Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection and the human infection with avian influenza A (H7N9) virus underscore the relevance of the IHR and acknowledged WHO's role in assisting countries in the response to these outbreaks. They urged WHO to continue to work with Member States to ensure that the minimum core public health capacities set out in the Regulations are in place. Director-General Dr Margaret Chan assured delegates that WHO is committed to supporting countries affected by MERS-CoV and the H7N9 virus, and to continuing its work with countries on IHR implementation.

The Director-General stressed that the WHO needs increased support from States Parties to continue its work. Delegates acknowledged the report describing progress in taking forward the recommendations of the review committee on strengthening the functioning of the IHR and information provided by States Parties on implementation in countries over the past year.

The IHR discussion was preceded by presentations on MERS-CoV by Dr Memish from Saudi Arabia and by Dr Fukuda, WHO Assistant Director-General Health Security and Environment. A side event on Avian influenza A (H7N9) was hosted by the delegation of China.

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Sixty sixth World Health Assembly