Subregional workshops on IHR national legislation, 2−4 July 2012, Marrakech, Morocco, and 9−11 September 2012, Cairo, Egypt

National IHR focal points as well as legal advisors from Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen attended a series of subregional workshops on IHR national legislation. The delegates discussed and exchanged country experiences and challenges in strengthening legislative capacity to implement IHR (2005).

Key objectives of the meeting were to identify main gaps in legislation capacities; identify appropriate mechanisms and solutions to address these gaps; and propose a set of recommendations to improve legislation capacities and compliance with IHR.

Related links

Summary report on the Subregional meeting on legislation as per the requirements of the International Health Regulations (2005), Cairo, Egypt, 9–11 September 2012

IHR (2005): Guidance on implementation in national legislation