Saving COVID-19 patients: WHO responds

In 22 countries of the Middle East, North Africa, and farther east, WHO is rushing medical supplies to health centres and training staff to care for COVID-19 patients. Click through the gallery to see highlights from April 2020.

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In Syria, WHO trained health professionals on COVID-19 patient and suspected case management in mid-April.
In Syria, WHO trained health professionals on COVID-19 patient and suspected case management in mid-April.
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WHO delivered arterial blood gas analyzers to Islamic Republic of Iran in April. They are used to check how well a patient's lungs are able to move oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide, vital information for monitoring critically ill COVID-19 patients.
WHO delivered arterial blood gas analyzers to Islamic Republic of Iran in April. They are used to check how well a patient's lungs are able to move oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide, vital information for monitoring critically ill COVID-19 patients.
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In Oman, the Supreme Committee for combating COVID-19 works with the Central Public Health Laboratory to review preparedness measures and capacity for COVID-19 testing based on WHO guidelines.
In Oman, the Supreme Committee for combating COVID-19 works with the Central Public Health Laboratory to review preparedness measures and capacity for COVID-19 testing based on WHO guidelines.
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In mid-April, trucks carrying protective gear and medical equipment, including beds, oxygen concentrators, and intubation and autoclave supplies, arrived in critical areas of Afghanistan.
In mid-April, trucks carrying protective gear and medical equipment, including beds, oxygen concentrators, and intubation and autoclave supplies, arrived in critical areas of Afghanistan.
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In Lebanon, regular WHO shipments of surgical masks, goggles, shields, gloves, and gowns protect health workers.
In Lebanon, regular WHO shipments of surgical masks, goggles, shields, gloves, and gowns protect health workers.
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In late April, seven trucks carrying more than US$ 400 000 worth of medical supplies from WHO reached the Kurdistan region of Iraq.
In late April, seven trucks carrying more than US$ 400 000 worth of medical supplies from WHO reached the Kurdistan region of Iraq.