Volume 13, issue 6


Human development and the legacy of women

Health, poverty and development

Community-based initiatives and their relation to poverty reduction and health development: experiences in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

The role of health promotion in poverty reduction

Research articles

Seroprevalence of hepatitis A among children of different socioeconomic status in Cairo

Breast cancer risk factors in south of Islamic Republic of Iran: a case– control study

Étude pilote de la thérapie antirétrovirale à Djibouti

Évaluation de l’observance au traitement antirétroviral au sein d’une cohorte de 200 patients à Djibouti (2005)

Economic cost of malaria on households during a transmission season in Khartoum State, Sudan

Incidence and risk factors of neonatal hypothermia at referral hospitals in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

BDN programmes and the effect of medical students’ interventions to promote child health in Sudan

Influence of parental and socioeconomic factors on stunting in children under 5 years in Egypt

Maternal risk factors associated with low birth weight in Karachi: a case–control study

Maternal characteristics in relation to income in a semi-rural community in Pakistan

Fertility and its relationship with sociocultural factors in Kuwaiti society

Utilization of family planning services by married Sudanese women of reproductive age

Family planning and unmet need among Iraqi Kurds

Unintended pregnancy in Egypt: evidence from the national study on women giving birth in 1999

Condom use among males (15–49 years) in Lower Egypt: knowledge, attitudes and patterns of use

Prevalence of and reasons for domestic violence among women from low socioeconomic communities of Karachi

Assessment of the pharmaceutical quality of omeprazole capsule brands marketed in Egypt

Environmental behavioural modification programme for street children in Alexandria, Egypt

Characteristics and risk factors of tobacco consumption among University of Sharjah students, 2005


Women’s empowerment and health: the role of institutions of power in Pakistan

Impact of rural health development programme in the Islamic Republic of Iran on rural–urban disparities in health indicators

Achieving sustainability, quality and access: lessons from the world’s largest revolving drug fund in Khartoum

Cancer magnitude, challenges and control in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Short communication

Study on child labour in automobile workshops of Peshawar, Pakistan