Volume 10, issue 4/5

Research articles

Prevalence of measles antibody in children of different ages in Shiraz, Islamic Republic of Iran

Évaluation de la réponse vaccinale contre la poliomyélite et la rougeole chez les enfants  malnutris au Maroc

Detection of pneumonia among children under six years by clinical evaluation

Group A streptococci in children with acute pharyngitis in Sousse, Tunisia

Cryptosporidiosis in children in a north Jordanian paediatric hospital

الإعاقة بين الأطفال في المملكة العربية السعودية: معدل الانتشار، و التوزع، و الأنماط، و العوامل المسببة لها

Attitudes of a high-risk group of pregnant Saudi Arabian women to prenatal screening for chromosomal anomalies

Validity of vision screening by school nurses in seven regions of Oman

Schoolteachers’ knowledge of common health problems in Bahrain

Comparison of prostaglandin E2 tablets or Foley catheter for labour induction in grand multiparas

Low-dose quinine for treatment of chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria in Sudanese pregnant women 

Quinine for chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria in pregnant Sudanese women in the first trimester

Impact of the national protocol for malaria treatment on prescribing patterns in Gezira state, Sudan

Larvicidal activity of a neem tree extract (Neemarin) against mosquito larvae in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Characteristics of districts in Pakistan with persistent transmission of wild poliovirus, 2000–2001

Characterization of Leishmania infection in rodents from endemic areas of the Islamic  Republic of Iran

Smoking in Oman: prevalence and characteristics of smokers

Some risk factors for hypertension in the United Arab Emirates

Diabetic nephropathy as a cause of end-stage renal disease in Egypt: a six-year study

Antiphospholipid syndrome and retinal vein occlusion in adults

Hyperhomocysteinaemia: risk of retinal vascular occlusion

Aspects cytologiques des leucémies aiguës : à propos de 193 cas colligés dans la région centrale de la Tunisie

Physicians’ knowledge, attitude and practice towards erectile dysfunction in Saudi Arabia


SARS: the new challenge to international health and travel medicine

Prevalence of physical inactivity in Saudi Arabia: a brief review


Frequency of the CCR5-delta 32 chemokine receptor gene mutation in the Lebanese population

Evaluation of cervical smears at King Hussein Medical Centre, Jordan, over three and a half years

Case reports

Glutaric aciduria type 1 in a Kuwaiti infant

Maternal death due to severe pulmonary oedema caused by falciparum malaria: a case report

Letter to the Editor