The Global Fund has developed a new funding model that will allow it to invest more strategically, engage implementers and partners more effectively and achieve greater global impact14 April 2013, Kabul – Mr Luca Occhini, the Regional Manager of the Global Fund, will be leading a high-level delegation to Afghanistan from 19 to 21 April 2013. Mr Stefan Stojanovik, the Fund's Portfolio Manager for Afghanistan will accompany him during the visit.
The Global Fund is the major donor in funding HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and health system strengthening in Afghanistan. This is the first Global Fund mission following the recent reform and introduction of a new funding mechanism.
The Ministry of Public Health and WHO are co-hosting the mission, which will receive feedback on the current grant implementation track, background information and any other information that may prove useful.
Dr Ali Hasan, Project Coordinator for the TB grant, was keen to acknlowledge the support of the Global Fund on World TB Day on 24 March.
Related link
The Global Fund's new funding model