August updates
Vaccination for drought affected internally dsiplaced persons in HeratVolatile security circumstances and active fighting in districts of Nangarhar has continued to threaten the safety of health facility staff and has led to an increase in displaced populations in the Region.
- Over 1.6 million people in the western region are in need of health assistance, including an estimated 150 000 drought affectedd internally displaced people in Herat City and Qala-e-Naw City.
- Nine mobile health teams delivered health services to IDPs located in Herat city.
- Community awareness sessions on Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever were conducted through local radios, posters and brochures in 10 high-risk provinces.
- 89% of all outbreaks reported in August were Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever and a total of 100 outbreaks were reported throughout the country.
- A total of 71 attacks on health care were reported in August 2018, which includes 39 health facilities that were closed in July and re-opened in August. There were 23 health workers who were forced to provide health care services for war affected people at frontlines by the anti-government insurgents.
- IDPs and returnees continued to place pressure on health facilities across the country.
- 167 (83 female and 84 male) health care providers (medical doctors, midwifes and nurses) from hard-to-reach districts have been trained on gender-based violence treatment protocols in 11 provinces since February 2018.
Read the situation report for August 2018