A mass casualty management simulaton was arranged by WHO in TakharUpdates, September 2017
- The health cluster partners served 79 924 beneficiaries during September. Almost 62% of the beneficiaries were female and 38% were male.
- A total of 26 357 returnees received out-patient diagnosis and emergency primary health care services, including TB screening, at the Torkham crossing point.
- 258 families (1,311 individuals) of documented returnees arrived from Pakistan through Spin Boldak. 303 patients among documented returnees were treated by a health facility for which WHO supplied medicines.
- 244 families (1,507 Individuals) of undocumented returnees returned to Afghanistan through Spin Boldak border.
- 8012 children received vaccination by health partners.
- Security remains a concern with an increase in the closure of health facilities.
- AGE-related security incidents also hindered monitoring and supervision of health activities and have forced people to leave their homes.
Read the latest situation report