WHO has developed the mhGAP intervention guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings through a process of systematic evidence review and broad international consultation.
Kabul, 14 September 2013 – The Ministry of Public Health, WHO and the European Union jointly initiated the training of 27 trainers from six regions of Afghanistan on 14 September on the WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme. Mental health is one of the top priorities in the Afghanistan health sector.
In the training opening session, Dr Richard Peeperkorn, WHO Representative for Afghanistan, said, “The mhGAP intervention guide and the training package have been developed as a generic material that can be used all over the world. Many issues are the same everywhere, however, there is a need for the addition of a local context and the inclusion of specific local issues, to ensure that the modules reflect the real situation in each country”. He further added, “We are glad that today we start the training of the first group of trainers for mhGAP. We believe this initiative will expand access to mental health care at the basic and emergency packages of health services levels. Mental health is and will remain to be a priority area for WHO, and we will continue to support the Government of Afghanistan in this key area”.
Related links
Regional mental health and substance abuse programme
Mental health guidelines and technical documents