Questions and answers

Q. How do I participate?

A. Submissions will be accepted from Sunday 1 September 2013 to Monday 30 September 2013. 

Only online submissions in Arabic, English or French can be accepted. Entries exceeding 60 words will not be considered. 

Submit your contributions.

Please ensure to also include the following details in the body of the e-mail and on any attachments. 

  • your name
  • your age
  • your profession, if working
  • mailing address, including city, country, and postal code
  • e-mail address, if different from the address used for submission
  • phone numbers, including home, work and mobile with country and local codes.

Q. Can I send more than one entry?

A. In the interest of fairness to all, there is a limit of one entry per person/email address. If more than one entry is received from the same person/email address, only the first entry will be considered.

Q. Can I choose to remain anonymous?

A. Unfortunately, we cannot consider anonymous entries. Entries submitted without a name and/or contact details will not be considered.

Q. My piece has been previously published. Will you consider it?

A. No. All entries must be original previously unpublished pieces of work.

Q. Should I send in photos or other supporting materials related to my submission?

A. No, supporting materials will not be accepted.

Q. Who is eligible to participate?

A. Anyone able to develop and produce an original narrative may participate, however, submissions from the youth of the Region* are particularly encouraged. By entering, entrants affirm that their entry:  1) is original and does not violate the intellectual-property rights of any third party; 2) has not been published in any medium; and 3) has not previously won an award.

Note: Employees of WHO are not eligible to participate.

Q. Is there anything else you can tell me to make my entry stand out from the crowd?

A. There is no formula for creativity, but here are a few useful pointers. 

  • Think thoroughly about what “Health” means to you.
  • Share your thoughts in a simple yet innovative manner.
  • Check your spelling.
  • Do not allow your submission to exceed 60 words.
  • Avoid clichés.
  • Be creative! 

Q. Are there any other conditions?

A. By entering, entrants confirm that their submitted narratives are their original work and not copied from another source or violate the rights of a third party. 

In addition, by entering, entrants grant to WHO, worldwide, royalty-free license to edit, publish, promote and republish the submitted narrative along with entrant’s name, biographical information, and any other information provided by the entrant, at any time in any and all media for possible editorial, promotional purposes, without further permission, notice or compensation. 

* The WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region is one of WHO’s six regions and comprises Afghanistan, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt , Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, occupied Palestinian territory West Bank and Gaza Strip), Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen with a total population of nearly 583 million people.